How You Can Tell if a Storm is Coming Your Way
7/8/2019 (Permalink)
- By watching the clouds. It’s important to remember that every dark cloud is going to look the same. You can tell a potential severe storm is coming when the clouds look very dark with a dark green hue to them. They will be very large and stay low to the ground. Keep an eye out for any rotation in the clouds.
- Keeping close eye on the temperature. Storms and tornado's form when warm, humid air at low levels mixes with dry cold air from a higher elevation. The wind is what causes the conditions to slam together. If by chance you happen to be outside, pay close attention to the temp. If in fact the temp drops from a warm/hot to a cooler temperature, then that’s how you know a storm is on the rise.
- Monitoring the wind changes. If it starts to get very windy, that could pose a potential storm. After or during a thunderstorm, if there is an odd calm, it could potentially be a sign of dangerous weather heading your way.
- Monitoring Rain Changes. When heavy rain or even hail pours down after a calm or intense wind shift change, this could be a sign that a tornado is approaching.
- Look at your Barometer. If by any chance you own a barometer, make sure you check it every few hours or so. Seeing an increased drop in pressure means a storm is coming.
- Using your sense of hearing. During a storm, try to focus your hearing on the storm, eliminating any unnecessary sounds. If your ears catch an intense roar-like sound, make sure to go to safety. This is a sign that a tornado has spawned.
- Reading up on local articles. Notice what Madison Mutual has to say on knowing the difference between “Watch and Warning”.
"Know the Difference Between Watch and Warning – Many people get tornado watches and warnings mixed up. A watch simply means that tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area. A warning, on the other hand, means that a tornado has been spotted or indicated on the radar. If you find yourself in an area that is under a tornado warning, you need to seek shelter right away."